4 tips to learn Excel like a pro

Tired of seeing Excel as a requirement on every job opportunity and not having it? 

We know, we got you.

More and more companies are using Excel on a daily basis for their operations, and it’s so boring when everyone seems to understand that complicated formulas and you don’t.

However, adapting and learning new skills is essential if you want to grow in the job market and guarantee that money.

To help you with that, we created this blog article with 4 tips to learn Excel like a pro and put it in your CV once for all!

#1 tip to learn Excel like a pro: decide what you want to use Excel for

Ok, so here’s the truth: Excel is a very big and complex tool, and it’s not a very good idea to start learning everything at the same time.

You’ll probably get overwhelmed and give it up thinking it’s too hard!

So the first step is: decide what you want to use Excel for.

Is it for personal use? Like personal budgets?

Or is it for managing your company’s stock?

Maybe for taking care of the employee’s work schedule?

Any motives are good, but when you decide what you want to use it for, you gain clarity on what you need to learn, narrowing it down and making it slighter.

#2 tip to learn Excel like a pro: understand how do you like to learn

If you want to really learn this new skill, you need to know how you respond best to learning in general. Are you a reader? Or do you prefer learning by watching videos? Or maybe you’re a self-paced learner, who likes to just open the tool and click all buttons until you figure it out? Once you know what’s the learning style that works for you, you’ll be able to search for the best resources for your journey. There are tons of YouTube videos that teach different Excel levels, just like there are lots of blog articles or Instagram pages, and so it goes. Try and see what methods work best for you, and invest in them! That will lead you to the third tip: learn from a trustable place.

#3 tip to learn Excel like a pro: learn from a trustable place

This tip is really important. Especially if you want to learn Excel to use it on your job, it’s essential that you learn from a trustable place, with the right mentors and techniques. Luckily enough, Vijay Computer Academy has cohorts open for the regular and advanced Excel courses! We are welcoming students that want to learn the basics from this tool or that want to enhance the knowledge they already have. No matter your level of familiarity with Excel: you can learn with us! Oh, and you’ll even get a certificate in the end, so your CV is popping like you need it to be. You can ask for more information on our Whatsapp, email, or even schedule a free call with our owner herself, Shefali Kapoor Patel Schedule your free call here! Whatsapp: 832.500.4136 Email: info@vijaycomputer.com

#4 tip to learn Excel like a pro: keep practicing constantly!

And for our last tip on how to learn Excel like a pro, we have to say this: practice is needed. You can do the courses, and learn everything, and get your diploma, but if you don’t practice it constantly, you’ll get out of touch. That’s because as with every skill, our brain needs to do something long enough to stamp it and making permanent learning. So make sure to always be dealing with Excel, playing around with the tool, developing spreadsheets with the functions you want to train, etc. That way, you’ll keep the knowledge fresh in your head and will be able to master the platform in a shorter amount of time.

Those were our 4 tips on how to learn Excel like a pro!

We hope that this article can help you to gain the courage you need to start studying it and learn Excel skills. Oh, and don’t forget: our cohorts for the regular and advanced Excel courses are open, and you don’t need any background to sign up.
We are very thrilled and proud to announce that Vijay Computer academy is a Registered IT Apprenticeship Program by DOL now. This is an extension and expansion of our missions of bridging the skills gap and workforce development and empowering underserved communities through our world class IT education and training programs for last 30+ years.


Curious about a high paying career in tech but don't know where to start?

Vijay Computer Academy  is here to help. Schedule your discovery call TODAY to learn more about TECH opportunities! 

PS: was this article useful for you? If yes, send it to a friend who may want to learn Excel as well!

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