Non Tech Industries That Require Coding / Programming Skills

“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn,” said the famous physicist, Stephen Hawking. 

And as coding is becoming a valuable skill to this data-driven generation, so are people with coding skills.

Nowadays coding skills are not only required for programming roles. More and more non-tech positions call for specialists that can understand coding algorithms.

Below VCA team presents you with some of the non tech industries and sectors that require their employees to have some basic to intermediate coding & programming skills.

Everyone can learn how to code, the only prerequisites are time, motivation and an actual effort.

1. Coding in Finance

What does the finance industry have to do with programming? Lots! You might have heard about major banks investing in teaching their employees coding skills. Banks such as Credit Suisse and Barclays are most interested in Java and Python skills.

Python, in particular, is important for pricing, risk management, and trade management platforms. Python can also help create analytic tools and models. It can modify Excel spreadsheets and automate tasks for greater efficiency. 

Financial institutions are rapidly increasing the rates at which they invest in cloud technologies and analytics, which means ever-greater demand for programmers.

2. Coding in Graphic Design

Graphic designers that have programming skills are highly competitive in the market enjoying better job security. They collaborate closely with developers, IT specialists and other departments on a daily basis. By knowing the specifics of programming it’s easier for them to convey the technical aspects of the project to web developers. 

They have an understanding of the proposed functionalities as well as their limitations that might occur in the execution. Those that have managed to make sense of colourful algorithms, especially CSS, HTML and JavaScript, will have more freedom to express their artistic concept and at the same time, they’ll have more control over the development process.

3. Coding in Digital Marketing

For digital marketers, it’s a rollercoaster ride every time Google decides to implement new rules, introduce new functionalities or disable the old ones. By learning how to code they can harness the possibilities offered by the online realm making sure they're using their skills to their full potential.

Digital marketing has become extremely data-driven, no decisions can be made based on a hunch hence nowadays we see more digital marketing positions that require specific technical skills. Knowing how to code will make their jobs easier and the marketing efforts will be more effective and measurable.

Digital marketers shouldn’t think twice about learning HTML, scripting or how to query SQL which will be immensely valuable for data analysis. In order to become pro at preparing key stats and reports for the stakeholders, they’ll need to sign up for some ‘extracurricular’ coding classes.

4. Coding in Business

Business is a broad category, but many business careers require data analysis. Business analysts, data scientists, and statisticians all benefit from programming skills.

A high paying field, business also represents one of the many industries that hires people with programming skills. Some of the reasons that we at VCA recommend you to learn coding are:

  • Increase Your Tech Literacy
  • Become a Problem Solver
  • Understand Technology (for example the upgrades of the operating systems)
  • Communicate with your Developers and Designers
  • Future Proof your Career

  • 5. Coding in Journalism

    According to the USA Today’s editor-in-chief Joanne Lipman, journalists should learn how to program to survive in the continuously competitive field where the demand will have declined by 9% by 2026. Joanne mentions that programming skills can help to work with data, data visualization and generally prepare the journalists to tell a better story.

    6. Coding in Healthcare

    The medical field rewards candidates with programming skills. Many positions, including medical researchers, health information managers, and even physicians benefit from programming experience.

    Hospitals and other medical facilities rely on programmers, database administrators, and health information managers to manage their computer systems and medical information. Medical researchers in genetics research rely on programming to analyze genetic data. Many pharmaceutical companies rely on computer programmers and data analysts to develop new drugs. 

    7. Coding in Retail

    Twenty years ago, jobs for programmers in retail might have seemed as little more than a bizarre choice. Today, with traditional retail pushed back on every front by the likes of Amazon, companies in this industry are desperate to try to find a way to turn the tables and change the nature of their business in a way that would make sense in the existing (and upcoming) market paradigm shift. 

    They apply virtual and augmented reality technologies, develop innovative user interfaces, try to find new ways to incorporate mobile in their inner workings, and do dozens of other, less obvious things — and top-notch programming specialists are necessary to implement most of them.

    8. Coding in Manufacturing

    In the manufacturing sector, engineers benefit from programming skills. In engineering, the six highest paying skills are all related to programming. Experience with Python ranks as the best paid engineering skill, with an average advertised salary of over $103,000. Adding programming skills can help engineers pursue higher paying job opportunities.

    It is also important to note that 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been invented yet.

    So while a number of industries need coding skills right now, we can only assume the need for coding skills in the future will be even greater.

    Now that you know the industries that hire people with programming skills . . .

    If you are serious about learning to program, VCA is here to help!
    • VCA provides DEMO / TRIAL classes for each of the bootcamps and IT certifications we offer. 

    To know more about our work and activities, make sure to follow VCA in our social media channels! 


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