Free digital learning on the tech and professional skills of tomorrow though OPEN P-TECH!

 Vijay Computer Academy (VCA) is Helping High School Students Prepare for New Collar Jobs through OPEN P-TECH Programs offered by IBM.  

VCA has become a partner school to recruit students under OPEN P-TECH, a free digital learning program for industry-leading technology.  This cutting-edge educational system is designed for teachers and students who want students to have access to a comprehensive computer science education before they attend college. Upon completion students can take earlier steps toward a career as a New-Collar worker.

OPEN P-TECH is offered to students between the ages of 13 and 20 years old who are attending high school and interested in a career in computer technology. Through OPEN P-TECH students learn technology skills and earn college level accreditation.

Through OPEN P-TECH schools create a seamless program for students to acquire the academic, technical, and workplace skills that employers need. Through other partnerships VCA helps to cultivate tech careers for students and guide them on a pathway toward the best New-Collar jobs.


If you’re a middle / high school student who wants to jumpstart your career before college or quickly enter the job market without attending college, #VijayComputerAcademy has partnered with Free Open P-Tech through IBM. P-Tech is a program that allows young people between the ages of 13 and 20 learn technology skills and be ready for NEW COLLAR JOBS. Or

Are you an educator interested in learning latest IT skills in demand?

Sign up for FREE OPEN P-Tech programs here

How VCA helps other educational institutions and organizations with OPEN PTECH

VCA is partnering with various institutions and organizations, particularly schools, community colleges, and educational institutions in urban, suburban and rural areas of Texas. We also include nonprofits, workforce boards, community organizations and faith based organizations to offer this free educational opportunity in the tech field.

VCA can help pave the way to an education in areas of technology that is fundamental to entering the workforce in a new collar role. Students can learn through a program that will allow them to bypass a four year college curriculum, so they can start preparing for a career as a New Collar worker at a faster pace.

By combining online learning with community college, students are able to build the skills that are needed for new collar roles. Through OPEN P-TECH they’ll learn the skills that are high in demand by employees. Students will be exposed to emerging career fields and skills. They’ll learn about cybersecurity, blockchain, data science, AI, design thinking, building algorithms, machine-learning and cloud enablement.

Check out VCA 30th anniversary discount flyer 

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